Spring Equinox*Ostara*The East3/20/2024 #springequinox #spring We welcome the EAST For the Breath in our Lungs For the invitation to begin again…and again For Spring and Renewed Life For the Child within each of us and For the promise that after every dark night, the sun will rise again And in this truth, we find the Wisdom of Peace We call in the guardians of the East, Eagle and Hawk
That we too, like them, will rise above and see the bigger picture That they will guide us, help us, teach us how and when to use our eagle vision and our hawk wisdom to see beyond our own selves, our own pains, our own sufferings, our own stories and instead, see the whole of all things and all that is a part of it. We ask for help as we learn to lean into the wisdom that there are many things going on, that are unseen and learning to trust that we are cared for in every moment, even during times when we do not understand why things are happening as they are. We give gratitude for this bigger picture view and the peace within it, that passes all understanding. Blessed Be Here I remain
March 13th, 20243/13/2024 Last weekend I had the immense honour and joy of holding and sitting in circle with other like-minded women. Three different circles Three different experiences Three different possibilities. 🕯️🙏🏻🦌 In the first one we sat in the process of learning to give voice to feelings,thoughts and celebrations. Not as easy as you think. The purpose of giving voice to needs, thoughts and celebration is to interrupt the brain patterns of guilt, shame, and self deprivation. We one has lived in the thoughts that they don’t matter, it can feel like a challenge to take up space with your voice, while talking about your needs. I am ever moved by the bravery of these souls who take this chance on themselves✨♥️ Next circle was one of intentional listening,learning and healing ❤️🩹 A deep unraveling of our stories of now through our Ancestors eyes. Brave sisters, inviting in possibilities and sitting in curiosity. 🌟 The final circle held new and old faces. Strangers and yet strangely connected. Gathering to be seen, heard and to witness as we gave voice to our challenges as we gleaned the wisdom from each of them. Vulnerable and Honest each woman showed up with a hunger for community and sacred feminine connections. Each soul clear about the need to be in sacred feminine space and clear about the possibility of healing and renewal within that space ❤️🩹 The medicine I come away with is this:
Women need each other Women are stronger together We all are moving from our own experiences and We are are capable of honouring that Sisterhood is different than friendship and the same When one woman rises, we all do We are here to be in relations with one another, not to compete, judge or teat down. This is how we heal our trauma and the trauma of those who have walked before us. We do this better, together. Here I remain 🔥🦉✨ 📷 Hannah House x2 oracle cards by @autumnskyeart 📷 Voices if The Wells x2 oracle by @autumnskyeart & #weaveroracle by @carolynhillyer.nigelshaw 📷 #shaenalachhealingandretreats #earthmedicinehealingcircle oracle cards by @sharonblackiemythmakings #prayersofhonoring by @pixielighthorse March 12th, 20243/12/2024 March
Dismantling Distilling Finding Vulnerability in Strength Finding Strength in Vulnerability Being the Alchemist of and in my own Story Moving with and being Guided by the air in my lungs the fire in my belly the water in my blood the earth in my bones Unraveling knit together stories that were not meant to be crossed, but as a child everything was Everything and lines were nonexsistent... These are the days of Winter The Wisdom of Challenge To see with changed eyes To allow To trust To release And in these challenging places Be Human For to be human is to be messy I am made of flesh, blood and bone and there is no shame in that... I feel disappointments, sadness and grief... I do not hold within all the answers and I don't always know the way. I stumble*I fall*I disappoint*I hurt those I love*at times I feel lonely and not heard*I am flawed...but there is no shame in this... there is only grace... and and patience I feel the push if all the"shoulds" I feel the pull to sit and blame I feel the pressing in of The Collective Fear...and I weep, I feel unsure, tired, and confused.... And there is no shame in that. For right along side these shadows of my Be-ing Human is a vibrant heart, hungry for life... this life... this messy, complicated, shit-show life. A life where cartoon characters run countries, mental wellness units are found in basements of hospitals and not all the earth community will eat today. In the words of the great MLK I've been to the mountain top... I've seen things that I cannot explain, I've witnessed amazing compassion, heart wrenching love, and wordless courage. All within the fragile human frame. Love is The Way and WE are the vehicle Living an Uncommon Life is a Challenge and can feel Lonely ...and the results will blow your mind. This is what I am learning and so I remain Honouring Imbolc2/2/2024 February
Imbolc & St. Brigid's Day Springs Beginnings Winters Thaw And perhaps in this place Love will be invited…will be allowed To Rise Love shown in troubled times is the most precious of all It is easy to love when there isn't tragedy hurt strife challenge Bone Love happens when it is hard Love built with the sturdy, rock solid commitment Flourishes Love when it hurts creates Fortitude Love forged in a time of Challenge lives Forever It takes great courage to stand in this kind of Love May we all have such courage aho aha amen may it be so December12/13/2023 DECEMBER
TS Eliot calls Winter Solstice ‘The still point of the turning world’. A time to hold still, right there in the heart of the dark. A sacred pause, in the place between stories. Winter Solstice is a time of renewal. It’s a time to immerse ourselves in the cycles of nature: of death and rebirth, of darkness and light. It’s a time to think about change and transformation, letting the long, cold dark strip us down to the bare bones. Let winter strip us bare like an old oak tree. Letting the final leaves that we’re clinging onto fall. Letting it all fall and see what still holds us upright. Darkness is not just a lack of light. It isn’t even the opposite of light. It is a wonderful, tangible thing with characteristics all of its own. Darkness is the place where life comes from. Darkness is the great melting pot, the great cauldron of creativity, the womb, the cocoon, the cave. Darkness is a great, wondrous thing of beauty. This is the season of the dark; whilst nevertheless hoping for the return of the light, we should celebrate the beauty of the dark...TS Eliot goes on to write ‘At the still point, there the dance is’. - Sharon Blackie The gifts you willingly give to others The ones that heal their heart and brighten their path Are the very ones you need to heal your own heart and brighten your own path. Love Light and Shadow dear ones. November11/2/2023 November for the Water in my Blood for the Wisdom of the Heart for the Emotional Self as the season of grief, death and dying continues I choose to move gently and notice the small things that make this life everything I choose to grieve the deaths inside and around me I choose to grieve alongside those I love, as I simultaneously acknowledge their fortitude and bravery I choose to grieve with & for the earth community I choose to acknowledge the wrongs and live into the possibilities that only divine love can bring I choose to live into the death and honour the grief stories that feed the re-membered the re-newed the response-ability the re-birth that is always happening in one way or another I pray you’ll join me Stay tuned for more Elder Bear collected Fall 2022 by me LOCAL PEEPS
Come see me tomorrow morning, Friday, November 3rd, at Kanaka Creek Coffee and let’s talk Grief. Grief is a reflection of your Love and is not something to ‘get over’. Why would we want to get over the feelings we have of a loved one leaving this earth or the love we had for something that could no longer be? Come sit with me and lets see where the discussion and the medicine takes us. I’ll be there 8am-11:30am ’mini session’ by donation “Come with your grief Come with your loss Carry all the pieces of your heart and come with with us... Bring your empty cups and we will have a feast" ~Kamand Kojouri September 20th, 20239/20/2023 The Web Weaver: “Synchronicity ~ Divine Intelligence ~ Cause and Effect”
“The Web Weaver rejoices that your creations are far reaching and have positive effects on the many. Every action, every thought, every word and every deed, is woven into the web of creation. When The Web Weaver appears as your Ally, she grants you the way to others of like mind and intention and lets you know that you are not alone in your endeavors. Just when you need to make a connection, like magic, synchronicity occurs. Music reverberates through the web and plays in harmony with your own. This is a sign to trust in the connectivity between all events. The web reaches far and wide, and you’re only capable of perceiving a small part of it. Trust and pay attention to the patterns you see play out in your life. All things will be revealed through the web. Magic is afoot for you!” This was the card that came to me this morning in my Wise Woman Weekly circle. It feels timely and strongly pertains to my upcoming offering: The Pathway for The Elders. This offering keeps ebbing and flowing, shifting and re-shaping as I get closer to the informational zoom call happening of Sunday, October 8th @ 9:30 pst. which has taken me of a journey of letting go and trust. Examples of changes are as follows: *The established price has been thrown out the window, with the intention to see how many participants will be taking part. What that means is there is a strong possibility it will be less (NEVER MORE) than the former investment of 3 payments of $500. (the non-refundable sign-up fee of $195.00 remains the same) *Now, this container will be held online, for the most part, so anyone interested can participate, no matter where on the planet, you find yourself. *Scholarships are still available as I never want finances to be what keeps a sister from saying yes. *If you are a Sister who is on an established spiritual path, but not quite in the time of the 50’s AND you feel a call to this experience, I am open to a chat and the possibility of you joining us! *The informational zoom call WILL be recorded for those interested who are not able to attend. *Elders will have till November 30th to join in on this journey. That said, it is highly recommended you sign up earlier to allow lots of time for preparation and connection with the other Elders joining us on this journey. *More *detailed *information *can *be *found *here: and here: This offering feels so important and timely. I will be fully immersed in this experience along side participants as I continue to unravel who I have been to allow space for who I am meant to be at this time/season of life. Personally, it has been an interesting, enlightening and sometimes challenging experience as I was and continue to be called to move away from what once, literally, saved my life. That’s feel a little scary, and yet I know through experience and observation, possibility awaits, and I am so held and seen in this earth side journey I am partaking in. The card above goes on to say: “Your strand in the web is beautiful and unique, and you don’t need to camouflage who you really are to obtain results. You are challenged to stand tall in all your perfect imperfections, see yourself truly and allow the patterns of your life to be woven into the beauty meant for you. Keep in mind that if you do what you did, you’ll get what you got. The web remembers everything. Do something different this time and watch a miracle.” It has been shown to me, time and time again, that the allowing of Life is what is being asked of me, the release of control and the building of trust, even when I am unclear and especially when I am unsure. So much of my trauma and religious conditioning taught me to dis-trust my heart and that Spirit was separate and not within me, not working with me all the time; opposite from The Sacred Truth. It was the listening, learning and healing with The Sacred Truth of my connection to Spirit and The Spiritual, and then living it which brought to me the deep healing I now breath. So here I go again, stepping off the ledge, into the unknown, trusting as I fall. If you would like to jump on the informational zoom call, Sunday, October 8th @ 9:30 PST let me know so I can put you on the list. If you would like to be a part of the informational zoom call, but are not able to attend at that time, let me know, and I will put you on the list of those who will receive the recording. August 11th, 20238/11/2023 Hello Lovelies
It’s been a hot minute…or 5. How has summer been treating y’all? How have you been navigating the hot emotions of this season? (Yes, it’s true, summer can be a hot time both physically and emotionally.) I’m hanging in over here. There have been highs and lows, and maybe even some low lows. Well, lets re-phrase that…there has been some dark-night-of-the-soul kind of experiences as I forge my way through this season of menopause. And yes, it often feels as if I am forging through. And I know that my feelings are intensified at this time, so the invitation is for me to sit is self-care regulation for mySelf AND continue to trust the process, as best as I am able. In the meantime, I am walking one day at a time. It seems to be the best way to support myself through this natural and necessary transmutation. I continue to surprise myself. I was recently speaking with one of my support groups, sharing with them that the gift of age has been letting go and moving through with much more ease than I ever have before. I still feel all the feels, AND I feel less attached. My thought is that it is because of the wisdom I have gathered on my life journeys. The wisdom that no matter what is going on around me, I still have a choice as to how I want to show up, and beyond knowing this, I now allow myself to live it. That did not happen overnight. It has been a constant coming back to the work bench, the table, the drawing board again and again. Last week I sat with a sister friend and showed her an image of a duck that I had encountered that very morning. Clearly coyotes or a coywolf had enjoyed it for a meal, eating the most tender parts and leaving the rest for me to come upon. In my 13 years of walking that path regularly, I have never come across remains like that. Feathers that indicated a struggle and meal had happened, yes, but a gutted duck, no. I told her I came upon it when I was grappling with myself and my feelings about some things happening in my life. The duck remains represented how I felt…gutted and dismembered. And what I know about those feelings, from my past experiences, is that they do not remain. They represent healing, deep healing that goes beyond my own consciousness. I appreciated the visual. I collected an image but will not share it here as I want to honour that it might be disturbing to some. My age, along side the medicine gathered on my journey, has offered me a place of pause…meno-pause…where I react/respond less, and observe more. There is so much of life that I do not understand, and there is a part of me that feels so certain. How can that be? That, for me, is the spiritual side, the Great Mystery, the spiritual Unknown, The Universal Life Energy that is just to big for my human brain to sometimes comprehend. So I stay with what I do know, on the path that is provided, even when it seems to not make sense. That feels and looks like emotional maturity to me. Trying less and Trusting more. So that’s me, silently stepping out of the race, and finding my own way. This is what feels important. And that’s enough about me. If you are still here, thank you. I have a few new day retreats for the fall posted on the offerings page, as well as two 9-month groups starting in October. The Healing Room is always available for those needing a minute to breathe and receive, and The Well Healing Circle will be activated again next month. It is an honour to lay out these offerings in a time such as this, where the world is burning, and refinement is happening. See you out on the trails friends. July 04th, 20237/4/2023 THE LIGHT IS RETURNING...
It is cracking through, just a little, and my breath feels wider Slowly, I feel myself naturally sensing into the possibilities no pushing, no making it happen, there is only presence my presence, my ability to be as I my ability allows no expectations * no should * no musts (somewhat challenging for my conditioned mind and possible) In this place, Subtle trepidation and Grounded excitement vibrate through my bones And, I find mySelf giving gratitude for the value of The Darkness and the willingness of The Light. I, like the light, am not fully returned I am like the crowning baby moving tightly through the birth canal of life being born again Baptized through story, experience and song Be-Coming what I was not and what I am I have learned through these past 4-5 years that The Pause rushes for no one or no-thing it is not about completion rather, it is the beginning the Beginning Again FILLED with such Wonder such Amazement And so much Grief…and Love because those two are never far from one another often walking hand in hand holding each other up, they smile at one another, in a deep honour that can be described by no word. The light returns slowly I do not know what I will see when it does I do not know who I will be I do know I am not the same I so know I am not meant to be There has been solitary journeys, death, birth, fire, rains and winds. Deep, dimly lit caves filled with bones, stories and memories asking to be cleaned, sorted and tended to Versions of mySelf brought home, acknowledge and loved More Death, Birth and Rebirth. Re-membering and Allowing Laying to rest and Re-claiming Listening and Honouring Community build and Community dismantled Trust lost Trust found Challenge, Sorrow and Pain Beauty, Wonder and Gratitude All have been present All have shown up As have I Who will I be when I emerge from The Winter I've been in? I remain to be seen. The Return #inthepause #listenlearnheal #medicinewomanwalking #winterisleaving July 04th, 20237/4/2023 JULY
Hello Friend Growth is always happening. Sometimes we are more aware of it than other times. Sometimes it is uncomfortable. Sometimes it even hurts. So, my friend, the Medicine I bring to you today is this: In times of growth, Find your Rhythm. Stay connected to The Mother. She will bring you into Balance and Harmony and look for me to be near, for I am never far. Sincerely, Flicker Flicker Family collect by me 2022 #animalmedicineoracle #love #flicker "On the day when the weight deadens on your shoulders and you stumble, may the clay dance to balance you. And when your eyes freeze behind the grey window and the ghost of loss gets into you, may a flock of colours, indigo, red, green and azure blue, come to awaken in you a meadow of delight. When the canvas frays in the currach of thought and a stain of ocean blackens beneath you, may there come across the waters a path of yellow moonlight to bring you safely home. May the nourishment of the earth be yours, may the clarity of light be yours, may the fluency of the ocean be yours, may the protection of the ancestors be yours. And so may a slow wind work these words of love around you, an invisible cloak to mind your life." - John O'Donohue #wordmedicine #poetry #johnodonohue ReflectionsHere you will find my process in writings. Archives
November 2024