Catherine Beerda-Basso
September 20th, 20239/20/2023 The Web Weaver: “Synchronicity ~ Divine Intelligence ~ Cause and Effect”
“The Web Weaver rejoices that your creations are far reaching and have positive effects on the many. Every action, every thought, every word and every deed, is woven into the web of creation. When The Web Weaver appears as your Ally, she grants you the way to others of like mind and intention and lets you know that you are not alone in your endeavors. Just when you need to make a connection, like magic, synchronicity occurs. Music reverberates through the web and plays in harmony with your own. This is a sign to trust in the connectivity between all events. The web reaches far and wide, and you’re only capable of perceiving a small part of it. Trust and pay attention to the patterns you see play out in your life. All things will be revealed through the web. Magic is afoot for you!” This was the card that came to me this morning in my Wise Woman Weekly circle. It feels timely and strongly pertains to my upcoming offering: The Pathway for The Elders. This offering keeps ebbing and flowing, shifting and re-shaping as I get closer to the informational zoom call happening of Sunday, October 8th @ 9:30 pst. which has taken me of a journey of letting go and trust. Examples of changes are as follows: *The established price has been thrown out the window, with the intention to see how many participants will be taking part. What that means is there is a strong possibility it will be less (NEVER MORE) than the former investment of 3 payments of $500. (the non-refundable sign-up fee of $195.00 remains the same) *Now, this container will be held online, for the most part, so anyone interested can participate, no matter where on the planet, you find yourself. *Scholarships are still available as I never want finances to be what keeps a sister from saying yes. *If you are a Sister who is on an established spiritual path, but not quite in the time of the 50’s AND you feel a call to this experience, I am open to a chat and the possibility of you joining us! *The informational zoom call WILL be recorded for those interested who are not able to attend. *Elders will have till November 30th to join in on this journey. That said, it is highly recommended you sign up earlier to allow lots of time for preparation and connection with the other Elders joining us on this journey. *More *detailed *information *can *be *found *here: and here: This offering feels so important and timely. I will be fully immersed in this experience along side participants as I continue to unravel who I have been to allow space for who I am meant to be at this time/season of life. Personally, it has been an interesting, enlightening and sometimes challenging experience as I was and continue to be called to move away from what once, literally, saved my life. That’s feel a little scary, and yet I know through experience and observation, possibility awaits, and I am so held and seen in this earth side journey I am partaking in. The card above goes on to say: “Your strand in the web is beautiful and unique, and you don’t need to camouflage who you really are to obtain results. You are challenged to stand tall in all your perfect imperfections, see yourself truly and allow the patterns of your life to be woven into the beauty meant for you. Keep in mind that if you do what you did, you’ll get what you got. The web remembers everything. Do something different this time and watch a miracle.” It has been shown to me, time and time again, that the allowing of Life is what is being asked of me, the release of control and the building of trust, even when I am unclear and especially when I am unsure. So much of my trauma and religious conditioning taught me to dis-trust my heart and that Spirit was separate and not within me, not working with me all the time; opposite from The Sacred Truth. It was the listening, learning and healing with The Sacred Truth of my connection to Spirit and The Spiritual, and then living it which brought to me the deep healing I now breath. So here I go again, stepping off the ledge, into the unknown, trusting as I fall. If you would like to jump on the informational zoom call, Sunday, October 8th @ 9:30 PST let me know so I can put you on the list. If you would like to be a part of the informational zoom call, but are not able to attend at that time, let me know, and I will put you on the list of those who will receive the recording.
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