Catherine Beerda-Basso
Spring Equinox*Ostara*The East3/20/2024 #springequinox #spring We welcome the EAST For the Breath in our Lungs For the invitation to begin again…and again For Spring and Renewed Life For the Child within each of us and For the promise that after every dark night, the sun will rise again And in this truth, we find the Wisdom of Peace We call in the guardians of the East, Eagle and Hawk
That we too, like them, will rise above and see the bigger picture That they will guide us, help us, teach us how and when to use our eagle vision and our hawk wisdom to see beyond our own selves, our own pains, our own sufferings, our own stories and instead, see the whole of all things and all that is a part of it. We ask for help as we learn to lean into the wisdom that there are many things going on, that are unseen and learning to trust that we are cared for in every moment, even during times when we do not understand why things are happening as they are. We give gratitude for this bigger picture view and the peace within it, that passes all understanding. Blessed Be Here I remain
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