Catherine Beerda-Basso
March 13th, 20243/13/2024 Last weekend I had the immense honour and joy of holding and sitting in circle with other like-minded women. Three different circles Three different experiences Three different possibilities. 🕯️🙏🏻🦌 In the first one we sat in the process of learning to give voice to feelings,thoughts and celebrations. Not as easy as you think. The purpose of giving voice to needs, thoughts and celebration is to interrupt the brain patterns of guilt, shame, and self deprivation. We one has lived in the thoughts that they don’t matter, it can feel like a challenge to take up space with your voice, while talking about your needs. I am ever moved by the bravery of these souls who take this chance on themselves✨♥️ Next circle was one of intentional listening,learning and healing ❤️🩹 A deep unraveling of our stories of now through our Ancestors eyes. Brave sisters, inviting in possibilities and sitting in curiosity. 🌟 The final circle held new and old faces. Strangers and yet strangely connected. Gathering to be seen, heard and to witness as we gave voice to our challenges as we gleaned the wisdom from each of them. Vulnerable and Honest each woman showed up with a hunger for community and sacred feminine connections. Each soul clear about the need to be in sacred feminine space and clear about the possibility of healing and renewal within that space ❤️🩹 The medicine I come away with is this:
Women need each other Women are stronger together We all are moving from our own experiences and We are are capable of honouring that Sisterhood is different than friendship and the same When one woman rises, we all do We are here to be in relations with one another, not to compete, judge or teat down. This is how we heal our trauma and the trauma of those who have walked before us. We do this better, together. Here I remain 🔥🦉✨ 📷 Hannah House x2 oracle cards by @autumnskyeart 📷 Voices if The Wells x2 oracle by @autumnskyeart & #weaveroracle by @carolynhillyer.nigelshaw 📷 #shaenalachhealingandretreats #earthmedicinehealingcircle oracle cards by @sharonblackiemythmakings #prayersofhonoring by @pixielighthorse
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September 2024