Catherine Beerda-Basso
June 03rd, 20246/3/2024 JUNE
Beautiful Transformation collected by me 2022 Transformation is always happening Within that place resistance is natural. In this life Transformation and Transmutation are inevitable Re-birth ever present Here we take what is and was Compost it into our memories Not for pain purposes Rather to re-member for medicine and guidance It is said that we cannot heal our future without remembering our past This calls for acceptance of all our parts A place for each of them to be with no shame or judgment To allow us to return home again and again with each sunrise with each breath with each experience Transformation allows us to rebirth ourselves back to OurSelves again and again We came here with more than one life to live. Here I remain #changingwoman #june #transformation #transmutation #rebirth #breath #behinagain #theast #butterfly #earthmedicine
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