Catherine Beerda-Basso
Begin Again11/1/2021 Here I sit, way past my bedtime on the dark night after Samhain and Hallows Eve.
Last night was filled with happy children and relieved parents as the sky was clear and the only thing that filled the night was the banging and lights of the abundant fireworks that rang late into the dark. Today it was All Saints Day, The Celtic or Witches New year and tomorrow is The Day of The Dead. It’s a dark season, but not in a scary kind of way. More in a release, allowing and death-to-what-is-complete kind of way. Today was the perfect day to complete this new website, as I follow the Celtic/Witches New Year in my work. It wasn’t a conscious thing, it just sort of happened and made sense. It seems a good time to begin again after the days of honouring death. I so admire the Southern countries for how they honour their dead on these days. Tonight, a sister-friend of mine shared numerous images from several years ago when her and her family were in Mexico for The Day of The Dead. A sea of photos, tokens and colourful flowers held in painted tin cans, filled every image. These places are not afraid to honour their dead and it resonates with me. Back to this new website. It’s complete. I must be honest and say it did not turn out exactly how I had envisioned, but it will do. I have no time to rebuild it as I started school last week and my world is quite upside down right now. I am in the throws of finding a new rhythm and I don’t mind saying I am feeling a little overwhelmed. And sometimes, most times I have found my expectations to be not what is needed. it is a humbling practice. What am I going to school for? I am going back to obtain an Addictions Counsellor Certification. This will help with the recovery work that I do and enhance my session work. I am already learning so much about the system. I feel like a spy, getting a view from the inside out. Even in the overwhelm of change I know I am exactly where I need to be. So back to the new website! One of the biggest things I am excited about is that there is a sign up, on the bottom of the first page, for my newsletter. I am excited to streamline my audience and perhaps get new followers as well. I would be pleased if you would consider staying with me; but if our time has come to an end I thank you for entertaining my email all these years. I truly appreciate it. Nothing stays the same, and that is good. Things must die so other life can take root. Going back to school is part of that change for me. I am do not all that is ahead of me, and nor should I. In the meantime, I will still hold the circle that I am committed to. As long as the women gather, I will hold the space. That has always been my promise. I feel inspired to write more but my bed is calling, and my eyes are tired. Thank you for reading my words, thank you for being here with me. I look forward to seeing you soon, one way or another. Blessed Be dear lovelies. I pray all good things for you on this dark night. Love Light and Shadow Catherine
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January 2025