Catherine Beerda-Basso
Ode to October10/6/2024 In the heart of the
Life-Death-Life Cycle there lies Fall the symbol of Death a Death that is not the end but one that brings New Beginnings New Life These new beginnings do not happen quickly They take time, with no shame They need space, with no guilt Just as the leaves fall to the ground and decay they fertilize the earth and nourish the very tree from which they fall; so it is with those things in our lives that we are invited to let go of and those things we long to be free of. They become the very things that feed the new & re-newed life within ourselves. Because, good souls, wherever there is death so there is new life. And when we surrender to this life-death-life cycle we allow that which was not healthy or well within us to become re-newed or be laid to rest. Either way, what no longer serves us is released to become something else. We are the ones to allow The Falling Away, The De-composing, The Death And in this place, there is Grief And in this place there can also be Release, Relief and Joy Fall into this season of colour, magic and mystery. Allow it to rock you gently as it moves through your blood and breath cleanses deep your bones taking with it that which needs to leave Creating room for what’s to come
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